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- -------
- These are the Imagine objects (including one complete staging setup) I
- used for generating the animation and stills found elsewhere.
- A.iob
- -----
- You have seen the 3D Nintendo logo a couple of hundred times by now of
- course. One fine day I decided to try to do something similar with an A
- (for Amiga of course), and... well, this is the result. It dos not use
- textures or any other external files (The colours were done by manipulating
- the faces separately) so you should be able to just copy it anywhere, load
- it into a scenario and start rendering. Some of my as of yet unrealized
- ideas involve using the shape as a spaceship (!) or, for some reason,
- a spooky underwater structure (This is what I tried to suggest in the test
- render). Or maybe a skyscraper.
- BoingBall.iob
- -------------
- Ye Olde BB has been through a lot of different manifestions but I have
- never seen it as an Imagine object (or any other kind of 3D object for that
- matter) object, so one fine day I just sat down and whipped up one.
- I don't know if there's an official number of segments a Boing Ball is
- supposed to have, so I just created a default sphere and coloured in the
- different faces to make something that at least looks like a Boing Ball.
- Sue me. ;)
- [Talking of manifestations, if you have net access and would like to see
- something... unusual... point your browser at
- http://members.tripod.com/~Skribenten/furry/Boing.html !)
- Domino.imp
- ----------
- This is not just an object, it's a whole project! So it has to be in the
- directory you start Imagine from unless you want to redo a lot of referen-
- ces. It uses a couple of structures that came with Imagine 2 (plus various
- brushes found here).
- If you have net access and are lazy (or hate reinventing the wheel) you
- can find the finished animation on Aminet. (pix/3dani/Domino.lha - do not
- confuse with the OTHER domino animation someone uploaded once...). The
- story behind the project can be found in the file Domino.imp/Domino.readme
- which is identical to the readme file on Aminet.
- (If anyone wonders, I did send (FTP) the animation to AF as well but got
- no feedback and have no idea what happened to it... Those without net
- access or Imagine will have to make do with a handful of stills found
- (with a bit of luck) in the Gallery drawer.)
- By now you should have noticed that there is only one tile object and six
- brushes (in addition to the other objects made specially for this anima-
- tion) in the objects drawer. This is the interesting (?) part of the pro-
- ject. The program TileSet (found in Domino.imp - don't move it!) will gene-
- rate the rest of the tiles for you! Just copy the project to a writeable
- medium, enter a shell, cd to the project directory and type "tileset", and
- Bob's your uncle. The point here is that you can make your own tiles just
- by making one tile and a set of brushes and running the program again. (If
- you want to make an animation of a game being played for instance, you
- would probably find it rather impractical to have tiles with the axis at
- one of the short edges! (That's perfect for a toppling animation though...)
- Further details in Domino.imp/TileSet.readme
- Go ahead, have fun, and let me know what you do. Contact details are in
- the AF_readme file. And remember,